She was coming over a blind crest and some idiot in something japanese and modified came at her on the wrong side of the road. She braked, managed to avoid the oncoming car, but as soon as her tyres hit the soft shoulder the wheels locked up and she slid head-on into a tree.
The other car didn't bother to stop and see if she was OK. She rang me in tears because she was unable to get out of the car and in alot of pain. I called emergency services and jumped in the car. I beat emergency services there and some passersby had stopped and got the car open, but convinced her to stay put until checked over by paramedics (good call).
Paramedics, firefighters and highway patrol turned up and stiff-necked her, and took her for x-ray (came up no breaks thank god). I towed it out with my SUV, managed to get the steering working and wheels rolling, and towed it home.
It only has 3-rd party cover as full cover would have been overkill for the vehicles value, but it leaves me with a bill for a new car now unfortunately.
The damage to the roof is on the passenger side and I suspect that the reason she walked away was because alot of the shock was on that side of the vehicle. I think if it had been side impact she'd be dead.
It's a small community up here. If someone knows something word will get out and we'll find the guy.
P.S. we've already started car hunting. I love shopping for cars!