85 325e air meter/fuel pump/idle contol problems

Elsmere, KY
I was trying to diagnose a hesitation that seems to keep getting worse at greater than 1/2 throttle so I decided it might be time to "hot soak" the engine. While I was waiting for the seafoam to soak in the intake I pulled the idle control unit off the plenum and cleaned it out with carb cleaner. I think I broke it because now the car won't hold an idle and fluctuates between 900-1300 rpms. I will check on it more tomorrow and do a diagnostic on it, but I was told I could clean all the bypass gunk out of it and be OK. Bad idea I guess?

Back to the hesitation... I replaced the fuel filter the other week and the problem seem to worsen with the hesitation under more than 1/2 throttle. Tonight I could hear the main pump (by the rear left tire) making noise and then not making noise. It was not a normal pump noise, sounded more like a large bug buzzing and then stopping. Like it might be going out... Ill do some more tests on the two pumps tomorrow night with some info I have found, but has anyone else ever have the external, main pump make that noise? I am wondering if it is just normal for these cars or perhaps an external pump that is freaking out because the transfer (internal) pump is dead?

And finally, The Air Flow meter... I saw some guy that posted about the same problem and said there were dead spots in the potenmeter of the AFM and that cause his hesitation. As I look at the AFMs on Ebay I see a bunch that they claim are for e30s, but came out of a 318i. Will any E30 AFM work or do I need to make sure it is an AFM for the 2.7 that is in my 325e?

Thanks all. Great board you have here!
