anyone change a windsheild on an 86 325

New Jersey
Got a new windshield for $100. I thought it was a great price, now I have to put it in. I never did it before but it doesn't look too tough. Anyone have any tips?
Pittsburgh, PA
should be the same as my 91.... and oh man it was the easiest job i have ever done on my car.

Start where the ends of the metel insert meet. pull out the metal carefully, don't bend it up too much when you are pulling it out. Instead of just lifting it straight up pull away from it and up like you are playing tug of war with it.

Anyway once that's out just loosen the rubber from the glass with your fingers, don't pull the rubber out with the glass. Just pull out the glass, slap in the new.

Putting the metal back in is the trickiest but is absolutly stinking easy if you know the trick and i will attempt to explain. The metal is a kinda like a T shape. Put the inside (glass side) of the T back under the rubber and the bottom of the T all the way around. Then starting with the middle of the strip (top of the glass) start putting the rest of the T under the rubber. But this is the trick: The top of the T on both sides has a notch that goes under the rubber. With a flat blade wide screwdriver, put the tip of the driver kinda in the notch and push the T toward the glass (meaning push the T parallel of the glass) until T side of the T away from the glass has enough room to just go down under the rubber and it will spring back into the groove.

That is the easiest and least damaging way to get the metal strip back in. Just be carefull not to let the screw driver slip off and damage the rubber. I really hope this all makes sense. Let me know if i should try to explain it a little better. I have a feeling you will know what i'm talking about one you pull the strip out and see what i mean though.

Good luck. It was kinda fun for me. It took a while to come up with the right method but once i found that method it was sooooo simple.
New Jersey
thanks for the tips mjbst111, I know I would have pulled the gasket out!! I should have a chance to put it in a couple of weeks I'll let you know how it went.

now I have to find out what is wrong with my windshield washer switch. without warning it will just start pissing all the fluid out like a water fountain!!

thanks again
