Anyone know how many points I will get for this?

Well I got pulled over for the first time today for speeding. The cop was nice though and decided to give me a ticket (or write up?) for driving with more than one other person in my car. In New Jersey when you're 17 you have a restricted license and can only drive with one other person in the car. Anyway, I'm happy with the way everything worked out because he said that if he had writen me the ticket for speeding I would have lost my license 'till I'm 21.

ANYWAY, I just wanted to know if any of you knew if I will get any points or how many I will get for being in violation of my passenger restrictions...

I have a court date set for January where I have to make my plea.... Guess I should just plead guilty right?
Austin, TX
Best advice you'll ever get about any traffic tickets...[;)]

Find yourself a local "traffic lawyer". These guys work with traffic violations only and are very cheap. 9/10 the lawyer will be CHEAPER than the ticket and they will handle everything. In addition to not having to appear in court and paying less, you wont get ANY points on your licence. The lawyers get your offences reduced to non-moving violations. Then your insurance won't go up either.

Spidey said:
Best advice you'll ever get about any traffic tickets...[;)]

Find yourself a local "traffic lawyer". These guys work with traffic violations only and are very cheap. 9/10 the lawyer will be CHEAPER than the ticket and they will handle everything. In addition to not having to appear in court and paying less, you wont get ANY points on your licence. The lawyers get your offences reduced to non-moving violations. Then your insurance won't go up either.

Thanks for the advice [:)] You seem to have some experience with situations like this. But then again I guess anyone with an ///M Roadster would. [thumb]
Austin, TX
Pink_Floyd said:
Thanks for the advice [:)] You seem to have some experience with situations like this. But then again I guess anyone with an ///M Roadster would. [thumb]
no problem man.[:D]

lol, yea... guess i do have some experience with getting tickets. however it's not the roadster that gets me in trouble *knocks on wood*. Most of my tickets are from my highschool/collage days, and the occasional "Operating Motor Vehicle on One Wheel" violation.[;)]
Yorba Linda, CA
hmm speeding ticket gets your licence revoked, must be a New Jersey thing. In CA you are forced into traffic school but nothing else happens. Also the restrictions in CA are different, if you get your licence under the age of 18 you have 2 restrictions for 6 months. 1.No driving any passenger under 25 unless they are family or if someone else in the car is over 25. 2. No driving past midnight.

BTW I go for my Behind the Wheel test on Friday [:)]
New Jersey
The hell with lawyers. When I get my 5-point speeding ticket (69 in a 35), I used our family lawyer. The ticket was lowered to 2 points so I had to pay something like $200 for the ticket + $800 for the lawyer + $30 for the stupid court fee. Find a traffic lawyer who will get you out of it for FREE. What you wanna do is, plead guilty to a lesser charge. The judge will make a deal with you...the price of the ticket will go up, but any points you may get on your license will be removed...that is what you want because points on your ticket means an insane increase in insurance, especially for teen drivers in NJ. Trust me, I live in NJ, too. [;)]
