Ball Joint Replacement


New Member
6707 Marsh Av, Huntsville, AL 35806-1828
While replacing the shocks I noticed a torn boot around the Ball Joint on the Control Arm at the location closest to the wheel . The parts shops sell an "outer ball joint" and an "inner ball joint" for the '87 325i. Does nanyone know which is the one closest to the break? ....I am guessing the "outer" but am not sure..

I am planning on replacing only the one bad joint .... a lot of folks seem to say that it is easier to replace the whole arm but getting the bushing on seems like a real project. And then you have to replace the bushings in pairs which means doing both sides......I think all the other ball joints are good.

Anyone know the name of the ball joint (inner or outer) closest to the wheel??

Any advice or suggestions???



Active Member
from what i hear its not recommended to change just the ball joint. your best bet since your down there is to just get 2 new control arms and poly bushings. (which dont need to be pressed on) btw, the outer ball joint is the one closest to the wheel.


New Member
6707 Marsh Av, Huntsville, AL 35806-1828
Because it looks like I need to get the car back on its wheels quickly - needs to visit my mechanic because of possible serious engine problems - I just wanted to change the one bad ball joint - I used a hand press (rented free from O'Reilly's).

The press pushed the Ball out of the bottom of the assembly and left the housing in the control arm...I got a metal saw blade for my Skil Orbital Scroll Saw and cut three deep cuts in the housing starting on the inside and cutting outward toward the control arm (one cut at 12 o'clock one at 3 o'clock and one between them) ....I kept checking to make sure I didn't quite cut through to the control arm left, I left about a sixteenth inch - it really went pretty fast...then a couple of taps with a hammer and the housing fell out.

I cleaned the control arm and put WD-40 on the new ball joint and easily pressed it in with the same tool I had "rented" from O'Reilly's. I used about an 18" 1/2" drive bar rather than a ratchet, and used a little pipt extension at the end but could have really done it without the extension....... I pressed in nicely.

Now lets pray the engine isn't ruined due to no. 2 daughter driving it several miles after knocking a large hole in the oil pan.....
