Heh, I had my clutch master cylinder go out when i was in the middle of nowhere in upstate NY (about a 2 hour drive away from my house) the problem was, a bunch of friends and I had gone up there for a concert and my car was one of 3 to transport 15 people around for the weekend. Well, i ended up learning very quickly how to drive a maunal without a clutch, and its not all that hard, as long as theres no stop and go. I also found that if i pulled the clutch pedal off the floor and then pushed it real hard, it would disengage the clutch for about 1/2 second, which was nice because i didnt have to turn the car off and on everytime i wanted to start in first. the only problem with that was that in orded to keep it from stalling when the clutch decided to engage was to give it quite a bit of gas, which resulted in massive burnouts. Other than that, the weekend was fine and i didnt have any problems getting home on the highway, except at the toll, where traffic was backed up about a 1/2 mile. I couldnt use the clutch at all because i didnt want to do burnouts when there were so many people around, and i was scared i'd hit someone. so i had to turn the car on and off, on and off. by the time i got to the toll booth, my battery was just about dead, so i said screw it and i laid a nice long set of tracks away from the toll...........
Irish- before you make any assumptions, pull the boot back on the clutch master cylinder. if its wet, get a new one or rebuild it. as far as brakes go, try bleeding them and also check for leaks. if bleeding it doesnt work, and there are no leaks, you need a new master cylinder.