Hello everyone, I was just visiting your forum looking for some information when I stumbled across this thread. There is a new person to the scene, who shares the same interests as you and all you can do is shut them down. She's right, " i didn't expect you guys to react this way" All she wants is some help and your trying to correct her. I thought you loved your cars, that's why your here isn't it, why not show it to her, all of us. Get off your high horse and share the love.
I honestly can't beleive you reacted this way. Jmead at the end was the saving grace.
Don't tell them where to go, don't be defensive, simply tell us what you have and be happy about it. This is a forum and often the impact of typed words is underestimated, so we have to be friendly. Big Daddy, I hope your reading this, despite your million posts
Good luck on your hunt Cynthia (newbuyer) I hope you will return, despite the unecessary tone found here.