Must be the greenhouse effect...we are experiencing the same drought conditions here in Sydney, Australia. If you get caught wasting water (there are "water police"and one guy got caught at 5am when his lawn sprinklers turned on)it is a $220 fine. Under no circumstances are you allowed to wash your car with a hose, you can use a bucket and rinse the car with one of those sprinkling cans. I personally fill a bucket with water and soak a microfibre towel,wring it out as much as you can and wipe the car over in the direction the wind flows over the body(basically front to back, but starting at the roof),turning the towel as it gets soiled. When that is done I then get another mf towel and spritz it with meguiar's quick detail and wipe the car taking care to wipe off QD before it dries with another mf towel.