I read several posts and have seen many Z3 with broken fog lights. Checked pricing and they're about $90 each plus I would want the 3M protective film (another $50). Couldn't see paying $250 when my lights worked fine; just cracked lenses. Just fixed them myself. First remove lights - pry in center of black plastic cover next to light-remove two screws and unplug. Break-out remaining lense material. I used pliers and safety glases. Very hard plastic almost like glass - probably poor choice of materials. Went to Home Depot and bought $3.00 worth of lexan (250 times stronger than glass and 10 year guarantee not to yellow). Also, bought tube of glue and black silicon caulk. I made a cardboard template the size of the original glass (outside of black seal area of lamp). Left protective film on lexan and cut out the two new lenses with dremel tool (5 minutes each). Removed one side of protective film and glued to lamp. let dry overnight (only about 2/3 will glue due to curvature of lamp) then caulked and sealed with black caulk. Holding up close I wasn't that impressed with my work but after installing and getting far enough away to see the lamps they look great. Just couldn't see spending $200 - $250 and then still have them break by the next pebble. $10.00 worth of material and a couple of hours is all it takes.