Fuel pump issues - Please help

Pittsburgh, PA
Haynes manual has me all messed up.... My car has had some problems starting right after it's been driven. I have narrowed it down to the fuel pump (or one of the fuel pumps if I have two). Its getting voltage but it doesn't wwrrr(make sound) anymore. When this first started happening I was able to pound on the cover to the fuel pump while turning the key and it would start. When it finally started I listened for the wwrrr and it was definitely pumping fuel. This worked multiple times but now its dead. I tested relays and everything else but I'm pretty sure its the pump.

So here is my question. Since Haynes writers are dumb. Haynes says 87 to 91 have the motrinic 1.1 which has only one fuel pump located in the tank. and 87 and older have to pump in the tank that assists one outside the take called the J-tronic motrinic combo or something. Then they go on to show you in pictures the complete opposite. Anyway I know where at least one pump is and that it isn't working. My question is there any way I can find out if I have the second one? I have no idea what to buy and if the second one is working or not. Does anyone know an easy way to find out or a rule of thumb for the e30's? Is the second one on the far passenger side of the tank? Do I have to pull the tank to gain access to it? (the worst part is I just filled the tank, and when I try to take out the pump gas goes everywhere. I need to siphon it.) Anyway also can anyone tell me how to get it out. I turned it with screw drivers and got it loose but it is like there is no room (the hole is not big enough to pull out.) There are bolts on top, do I need to disassemble it first?

I guess I wrote a book and made it a pain is the butt to read and probably decreased my chances of getting a reply but I wanted to describe it all so you knew exactly what I was talking about. So if anyone could help I would really appreciate it!!!
Pittsburgh, PA
ahh that link was very helpful. It explained the way to tell if it have 2 pumps or not. (ironing out the confusion that the amazingly wonderful haynes manual manage to screw up) I have a fuel filter where the second pump would be if i had an older e30. So i guess the pictures were wrong or different in the Haynes manual. I guess i only have one pump...... AND it explained that i have to take off the fuel gage sender before i take out the pump....

perhaps I’ll pick one up from the junk yard.... those suckers are expensive, $250 dollars!

thank you very much!


New Member
Cupertino, CA
Hi there. When taking out your fuel pump, make sure you crimp the hose on either side of the pump. This will reduce the amount of fuel leakage you have. You do not have to siphon the tank. Just be careful not to damage the hoses. You can use a pair of vice grips or even a couple small c-clamps.
