I have a '87 325 ic. Today the car began to idle strangely. It cycles from 2000 to 1500 rpms and back to 2000 over about a 1 second period when I sit with the clutch in or with the engine out of gear.
If the car sits off for a while, when I start it, the engine goes to 2000 rpms for a short period until the engine warms up a little, then the car starts to idle as described above again.
When I drive it, it seems to drive fine and cruises ok until I pull up to a stop sign and let it idle...also it does jerk a little at very ow speeds in first gear when little or no gas is applied.
Does anyone have an idea what could cause this?
If the car sits off for a while, when I start it, the engine goes to 2000 rpms for a short period until the engine warms up a little, then the car starts to idle as described above again.
When I drive it, it seems to drive fine and cruises ok until I pull up to a stop sign and let it idle...also it does jerk a little at very ow speeds in first gear when little or no gas is applied.
Does anyone have an idea what could cause this?