Bryan330i said:
I am surprised that kindergartners even know about this type of activity. Equally shocking is that there would even be an interest in this.
A couple of years ago we had a kindergartner and a first grader, and a third grader living with us. They had been homeless in the worst part of town. As far as I could tell they had no such knowledge of sex or sexual activities such as this, nor should they.
I think this could only be learned at home or by being around much older kids in a bad environment. The parents need to be investigated ASAP- this is a big red flag.
Again, I will stress my point on our media and entertainment. Sex is everywhere. TV, newspapers, magazines, SCHOOL, work, THE WHITE HOUSE, Internet, movies, etc. It started years ago, and has only gotten worse. It was a big dea a few years back, when it was on the news about sex in high school, parties etc. But that time has passed and its almost welcomed with open arms. Now we are just seeing it in grade school, kindergarten, etc. We are suprised now, but I think it will simmer down just like everything else has in the past.
It's wrong, don't mistake me, but I am just pointing out the trend I see. Not to dis on you in any way Bryan330i, but I think that this "shocking" attitude that everyone gets is contagious. And everyone just lets the opportunity to do something pass by, then actaully correcting, or looking for something to correct in our actions. Obviously WE are doing something wrong if this is happening. It isn't natural, nor should it be. Kids are supposed to play sports, draw pictures, and live the life of a kid. Sex shouldn't be anywhere in that mix. And where they see it most is through media. I think it's time for a change in the way that whole process works, ie movie ratings etc.
In the end, it will always be the parents own morals that develop the character of their children, and that's the way it should be, but they aren't always under their parents watch all the time. It shouldnt be so easy to get a hold of porn, or watch OBVIOUS notions of sexual actions on tv shows. This isn't the whole problem, but a large part of it (IMO).