The rears run down the C pilars. I had a problem with mine. One of the rears disconected and I was getting water behind the passanger seat. At first my driver lock started acting up, sometimes it wouldn't unlock/lock all the doors and owuld never double lock any of em, while the passanger lock would do everything. Then the driver lock gave up completely. Meanwhile I was starting to smell mildew and it was REALLY getting to me. One day I decided to disassemble the WHOLE dash so I can get to the A/C drain and clean it out (I was stupid enough to listen to somebody's convincing storys) well, once I got to it and couldn't smell anything I realized there is a PUDDLE behind the passanger seat and oh boy did I hate myself for listening.
The water actually traveled underneath the driver's seat (don't ask me how) and coroded some contacts for the central lock. All fixed now.
Watch out for that leak, don't let it get out of hand.