hyperollah said:
that problem is the ecu for sure. the ecu is bad. you need to go to a junk yard to pick one up or get a new one that matches your ecu. its under the dash. take out the glove and the plastic cover and the bosvh ecu box should be right there. the number on the box is the number ecu you need to replace.
Um, I doubt it. Sounds like a faulty oxygen sensor. Do you have much experience with the EFI system? The ECU is rarely the problem. If it were, it wouldn't be running at all at some point and time.
naissur_mk2 -- Next time the check engine light comes on... pull over, turn off the engine, then turn it to run (without starting the engine). Count how many times the check engine light blinks. 2 times means it is a faulty oxygen sensor. I am not sure what the others (1 blink, 3 blinks, or 4 blinks) are (I know that they are for the crank pos. sensor, airflow sensor, and something else..... BUT i don't remember which number does what.)
If it IS an oxygen sensor, get out your solder iron and a lot of electrical tape. Buy a "13725" oxygen sensor, and splice the wires. Just try to match them up the same as the old sensor (This is important, you could potentially ruin your new sensor.)
4-wire sensor with BMW connector - $140
4-wire sensor with chrysler connection requiring splicing - $40
Note, it is the EXACT same thing -- both the wire numbers AND the sensor itself is 100% identical. I've been driving with mine for about 8,000 miles and so has Mike (Mrferg).