Need New Body Please Read

South Carolina
Hey I am looking for a new body to transfer parts from my old body. My old body has a bent frame.

I was wondering should I pay the 600 to bend the frame back in or just buy a new body.

How do I just search for a new body that has to be an amount of hours away from where I live?
South Carolina
I was driving and I went to grab something and went off road. There was two lanes and on the side was just like a little steep hill with grass and rocks. So I went off road and there was like a big rock stuck in the ground. But it pointed high, so I hit it.

But I was saying, is it worth bending the frame back for 600.00? Or buying a new car and just transfer all the parts from my car to the other car. My dad is german auto mechanic and he put over 4,000 in my 1983 320is. So I need to use these parts, becuase the motor is new, clutch, new almost everything on car is new.

But with the bended frame, will it make it run bad. Is there going to be any defects that will hurt the car. Will it make it run bad.

That is what I am dealing with right now.

Also after I pulled over I left cell on top of hood, got home, went back in friend vehicle to find phone. Found it, but in three pieces. After I found the phone, my favorite keychain for my keys broke. All in one day, and that was my vacation from school and work. So I had a really bad day, felt like someone ripped my heart out.

Talk to ya laters!

Plus I need this car soon. It is my daily driver, from work, to school, dropping off my brother. I am only 16, so my mom is not happy that she has to drive me.
