what happens when you install a thermostat upside down (this is for an '84 318i it is in line of the radiator hoses)? Your car overheats quickly, it starts to thunderstorm, you rip out the darn thermostat and flip it over, burning your arms in the process because you are too stupid to realize that you shouldn't be doing the thing when the engine is hot, but you are too mad to care. it was suppose to be a simple installation, no real effort involved except loosing hose clamps and swapping out the thermostats. i forgot the most important part about fixing stuff, tune my brain's head space and timing before I do anything.
after reinstalling the thermostat, the car did not shoot into the red, but i'm sensing that it may not have solved my high operating temperature problem though. it is running a hair over 1/2 with the a/c on in stop and go traffic and it's about 70-80ish out. i'll know tomorrow in the heat of the Texas day if it goes to 3/4 with a/c on in stop and go traffic as was the case with my old thermostat.
i don't think having the thermostat upside down would have damaged the thermostat, or could it? any comments on that?
does anyone know what the normal operating range with a/c on is for '84 318i? anyways, i was reading bentley and it says you can disconnect one of the wires going into the ICU if you are driving in a hot environment. I do not have the manual in front of me, so i do not know which wire, but it is listed in the manual. has anyone tried this?