Police vs. Deer (Warning: Not for Push and other vegetarians)

Charleston, SC
funny how you can see the deer fly off the car.

you thought deer freeze at sight of light????!!! youve never seen a deer at night driving by, or even trying to drive by.
ive hit two, one was minor and about killed me once i got out the car to look and another jumped in my window as i was riding with a friend. now that was nuts. you guys see the site where the deer jumped off the overpass and into a durango winshield?

they see the lights, get confused and blineded and run to the place they can see which happens to be where the headlights are shining..... then again, it was plain day on one of those. it was coming from the right side, i hit brakes and went all the way across the road into the ditch and still hit the damn thing!
MrElussive said:
Being a vegeterian is not a good idea...we are omnivores by nature and our body NEEDS meat and vegetables.
Well theres absolutely nothing wrong with me. I'm 16, 6"1, 175lbs and pretty atheletic. I'm also very smart and incredibly attractive [:D] lol, j/k, but seriously I've never had any meat my entire life and I am very healthy and literally can't remember the last time I got sick...


2000 Post Club
Cleveland, OHIO
I feel so bad for the deer... [:(]

I'm a vegetarian, pretty healthy. 13, 5'3, 112 pounds. I know I'm short but my mom and Pavel are short too so I think it's a hereditary thing. I'm not sick very often, a cold sometimes but not much, I do get headaches a lot though... As pavel always says, "You always have a headache". I think it has to do with lack of sleep, too much computer radiation though, and me living pretty much entirley off of Diet Pepsi. The colds prabably becuase I don't wear my coat and walk around the house with just underwear and a bra on when it's freezing inside. I'm smart and fairly attractive so I must be doing something right [;)]

Also, when all of you die becuase of high cholesterol, me Pink and Pavel will be alive well and meat-free [wave]
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Ottawa, Canada
Guessgirl96 said:
I feel so bad for the deer... [:(]

I'm a vegetarian, pretty healthy. 13, 5'3, 112 pounds. I know I'm short but my mom and Pavel are short too so I think it's a hereditary thing. I'm not sick very often, a cold sometimes but not much, I do get headaches a lot though... As pavel always says, "You always have a headache". I think it has to do with lack of sleep, too much computer radiation though, and me living pretty much entirley off of Diet Pepsi. The colds prabably becuase I don't wear my coat and walk around the house with just underwear and a bra on when it's freezing inside. I'm smart and fairly attractive so I must be doing something right [;)]

Also, when all of you die becuase of high cholesterol, me Pink and Pavel will be alive well and meat-free [wave]
Bahaha, meat-free...just like this guy...


Houston, Texas
Anna, just a suggestion.......but since you don't eat meat, you probably load up on a lot of carbohydrates.......try for 30 days to go low carbohydrates, high protein......and see if they help your headaches..........then the next 30 days.......go without Diet Pepsi (all diet drinks) .......see if either of those are the cause of your headaches.......
That's what I love about Tennessee. If I hit that deer, then I can eat it. We were the first state to pass that law, and I think it's one of the greatest laws ever. I think if Cali passed that law then it might not be all messed up politicaly.
