If it is standard 4-stud pattern, your "nuts" will be studs that screw in - yes? or have you had it converted so the studs are on the axle side, and you now use nuts like on many other cars?
If still the BMW bolt-type studs that screw into the wheel mounting plate, then you could simply drill out the stud with progessively larger drill bits until you can get it mostly out. (Don't drill it out entirely, because you will make the hole too big, and I don't know if you can use a helicoil thread on a wheel stud.) Then you can borrow a die tap to re-tap the thread, and then buy a new stud.
if it is of the nut type, you could do the opposite with a angle grinder, then borrow a die nut and re-tap the thread on the stud.
Photo would definitely help.