r134a A/C conversion

Santa Rosa, CA
Hey all, I want to convert my A/C on my 325is to r134A, i know that if i take it to the dealer or an independent shop and have them do it, it will be a lot of money like 500-1000. or, i can buy the kit and do it myself for like $100... i was wondering what the difference is, and if it would be worth the extra money to take it to the shop and spend more money... i have heard some horror stories about the out of the store conversion kits...

thanks for any advice :)
Boston (JP), Mass
The "kit" (I got mine at WalMart for about 10 dollars) is just the two fitting adapters, one for the low-pressure side, one for high. Before you adapt the fittings, have any R-12 evacuated from the system. This will also allow your system to be vacuum tested, and some leaks can be identified that way. Then, screw on the fittings, give them a few ft-lb or so (Aluminum.. be careful), and head off to R-134a land. You'll notice the A/C will be cool, but not as cold as the R12 system used to be. This has to do with the fact that R134 is less efficient than R12 at doing it's job, and requires larger components (Evaporator, Receiver/Dryer, etc) than R12. Since you have R12-sized components running R134, the system isn't as efficient as an all-R134 system.

Hope that helps!
