"Slack" Throttle Cable

Australia - Brisbane
hey.. where the throttle cable joins the thing that operates the butterfly.. (i think thast what i mean.. look at the pic cos i really dont know how to explain it any better..) its loose..

any way.. hope you understand what i mean.. im just wondering if this could play a part in have almost no respose in low revs..
eg.. if im sitting in 1st just rolling about 1000rpm and i plant my foot its really jumpy and it takes a while for the car to react.. but when it reaches 2000+ the car pulls fine..
An interesting theory.
and it could be all together possible
Although, if it was because the accelerator cable is loose then it would depend on how much you depress the gas pedal (a little bit would only take up slack and not affect the engine, and alot would move the throttle and accelerate your car just as if everything where normal, minus the little bit that the slack would take up)
Check the throttle adjustment screw, there should be a "tamper-proof" cap. If it is still on there then your cable is probably ok
Otherwise you can look inside the throttle and check with a feeler gauge to see that the throttle plate is 0.0015 inches away from the throttle houseing, as it should be, when the pedal is full released. I imagine if the cable is too loose, then the throttle plate would be full closed.
As for poor acceleration in low rpms.
your guess is as good as mine
I would start by testing the AFM or the throttle position sensor
good luck
Australia - Brisbane
thanks.. yeah thats what i thought (the cable would pull tight after depressing the acelerator and this would have almost no effect)..

ill check those things when i get a chance..
but could you elaborate on the "throttle adjustment screw" and the"tamper-proof cap"..
on my car (a 85 323i) is it on the other side of the intake manifold to where the TB joins up.. i believe this is where you can ajust the idle..

* I appolagise if i am making little or no sence as i dont know a great deal of what i am talking about..

thanks agian
