OK...I admit it. My M3 is more of a garage queen than a daily driver. I have a 2002 with SMG. I just turned 7K miles. Sometimes it will sit for 2 weeks or more between drives. Sometimes even over a month while I'm on vacation. Twice when I've tried to start it after a long period of time, I cannot get the SMG to go into the 0, or neutral setting without a hell of a lot of effort. This involves depressing the brake pedal several times and jockying the center console shifter back and forth for a long period of time. Finally, it will go to 0 and I can start the car. Has anyone experienced anything similar? I thought I would get some input before I take it into the dealer to have it checked out (of course, I will be unable to duplicate the problem...thus I need some knowledgeable help from some of the others on this board with SMG transmissions).