Taillights "illumination" upgrade

Ventura CA
Look at the pictures of the units on ebay. That might clear up any confusion. There is a clear lense on the back cover that lets the running lights bulb light up the trunk area. Where did you get them? Did you make them? Are you selling them? Tell me more.

Charleston, SC
i think this setup is the light housing that makes it so you can plug those bulbs in for the upgraded setup. And i can see it in my car, well not right now because its 600 miles away, but dont you have to have the switch for the light? or is this some mod that makes it so more lights light up when you hit brakes or what.
Ventura CA
And more lights light up when you hit the brakes. This may be a BMW part that comes on certain models but I don't know. The picture on ebay has what looks like a BMW sticker with a part number on it that might be 1 368 425 030 130. Some of it I can't read so this may be wrong.

It may be a fairly simple mod to wire the trunk switch to the parking lights. A couple diodes in the right places would keep the trunk switch from powering all the parking lights and another would keep the parking lights from powering the trunk light when it shouldn't.

If there is an unused contact on the assembly (not likely) what I'm thinking about would be pretty simple. If not, a wire would have to be run to the assembly itself with its own disconnect plug so the assembly could be completely disconnected from the car.

I don't have my Bently manual with me - are these lighs all single filament bulbs? In other words, are the brake lights single filament on/off bulbs with a separate bulb for the parking lights? That makes the most sense and would also make the mod easier.

If anyone is interested I could write up some detailed instructions with a parts list and all.

Malibu, CA
hi guys,
yes, is an oem part, it came in various e30 models, part number is correct 368 425 030 130 but is same for othe 2 versions without "window" [sing]

i also tought of using dios and different functions but decited to go simple since i usually brake more things than i actually fix/upgrade [8]

notice that brake lights are brighter that "lights", also you can probly see inner light shining through plastic window.

there's still is an empty slot at pin/connector locations, have not look at actual harness plug but perhaps original "Fog" light wire it's there.

in case i need to use extra illumination then i just leave parking lights on until finish unloading, besides that is a cosmetic upgrade (at least for the inside)

once found a set of kick panels that someone added glove-box (square type) lights to them, they illuminated at same time as dome lights., pretty nice.

here's pic of them in action, also a shot from my local mntnbike trail atop malibu.
(2,600ft on 4.5 miles, usually hit about 50 on it :) )

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Ventura CA
50 mph down Sycamore Canyon? You're a monster! But isn't that actually in Ventura?



Edit: Maybe not Sycamore- I just drove up the coast from Malibu and although that looks suspiciously like Old Knobby I don't think you can get the sunset behind it from the top of Sycamore. What bike trail is that from?

Regardless, 50 mph down from the top of anything around here - you're a frigging monster.

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Malibu, CA
took pic from Zuma Ridge which is south of Pt. Mogu's "Sycamore Canyon"
very near kanan Rd.

50 is not too bad with rthe right gear and picking right time, say just after sunset or at about noon when is just too hot for hickers and what nots.

saw 3 pairs of deer on the way down, they heared me coming so no problem, disc brake sure help the situation :)

do you ride ?,
if so give PM and we'll hook-up, backbone trail is a blast from Corral Canyon to Zuma Beach.

her's anotherone from same spot but looking west instead of north, that's Zuma Beach...

