Just got them off too!
Here's what I did last Sunday:
1) wet the whole front area with the carcasses with a Detailing spray, I happen to use Mothers.
2) put a Kleenex over the affected area and re-soak the kleenex.
3) wait 5 minutes max. You dont want the DS to dry, and make sure you do it in the shade, no direct sunlight.
4) "float" the whole mess off with a thick stream of water from the hose, Dont spray with ANY force! the little critters have hard shells and may scratch and obviously dont rub or wipe them off.
5) wash with double soap in bucket rinsing often and little/no pressure on the mitt
That got them right off for me.
Stubborn guts? wash again and use water and continually mist it on for 15 minutes soaking them well then wash as above.
Still there? you need a solvent like bug and tar remover. careful.
and possibly a claybar treatment in that area only, go lightly.
that should get 'em.
anything to add Wayne?
and finally, after washing, re-wax that area at least and if you have to, use dawn dish soap for the washing.
best of luck.