Water Pump

Well guys I finally started to tear my 325i down to fix the
water pump/water pump gasket, not sure which one is the problem but when I start the car coolant sprays all over and its not comimg from the hoses or rad.

Anyways I will do a write up, im taking pics
( www.jokesanonymous.com/e30/waterpump )

Does anyone know how to test the waterpump? Because I am unsure if its the pump or the gasket thats causing the problem. The leak is pretty damn big so I hope the gasket is broken when I get to it.

Also any tips? Im just starting to rip the fan off now.

Thanks, and... god damn this is weak lol
Ames, IA / St. Paul, MN
Hey man, sorry ot hear about the issues you're having. The gasket may be bead, but I would replace both the WP and gasket if I were you. No use in replacing a gasket for a part that may fail sooner than later. Some water pumps have a weep hole and it its leaking out of there your bearings in your pump are shot and its time to get a new one. Anyway... I say repalce them both.

The leak is coming from that general area correct? Both your radiator hoses look good with no cracks? Check all your coolant lines for cracks while you're at it.

EDIT: i'ma****ingmoronfornotlookingatpics....

Wow, get that radiator flushed...
equate said:
Well guys I finally started to tear my 325i down to fix the
water pump/water pump gasket, not sure which one is the problem but when I start the car coolant sprays all over and its not comimg from the hoses or rad.

Anyways I will do a write up, im taking pics
( www.jokesanonymous.com/e30/waterpump )

Does anyone know how to test the waterpump? Because I am unsure if its the pump or the gasket thats causing the problem. The leak is pretty damn big so I hope the gasket is broken when I get to it.

Also any tips? Im just starting to rip the fan off now.

Thanks, and... god damn this is weak lol
Most like is your gasket. When I did mine a fem month ago. I went thru three times and finally get it done without leaking. Make sure to clean of the old gasket. I also use some sewing thread to tie the gasket to the WP so that the mounting holes are all align correctly. Once the mount bolts are on, I just cut the thread. I found this is the best way. I learned in a hard way. [?|] Now, I can change water pump less than an hour. [cheers] Good luck.


reguarding the fan issue Take the fan OFF BEFORE YOU LOSEN THE BELTS. use a 1 1/4 open end wrench and pull it tward the driver side, counter clockwise, as it is a reverse thread. then the rest is cake. carefull not to let the belt tensioner spring fall into the block [thumb]
