cruise Control

I have a 95 530 and have some questions about the cruise control, I just got the car and this is my first time owning a BMW, according the owners manual it says the cruise comes on automaticly is this true? I can nott find a set botton all I have is a handle on the right side bottom of the steering wheel that has up/down off, forward resume, push back decell, and push in, I have checked the electrical side it is getting power and the vacume lines to and from are all in good shape no leakage, I have ttryed to set it like the manual says butt it does not work, help?


New Member
Kingwood, tx
I have a 95 525 and it is weird i know. sometimes mine works and sometimes it doesnt. In mine i have found it to work best if you just push forward to accel while still getting up to speed, you will feel it kick in and start to accel on its own. When you get to the desired speed just let go and it should kick in and hold at whatever speed you had it at. Mine is a 5 Spd and i have found that if it doesnt kick in, I can just drop the clutch and then release it again and it will work. but yes it should come on automatically.
Thanks for the information

I have a 95 525 and it is weird i know. sometimes
mine works and sometimes it doesnt. In mine i have found it to work best if you just push forward to accel while still getting up to speed, you will feel it kick in and start to accel on its own. When you get to the desired speed just let go and it should kick in and hold at whatever speed you had it at. Mine is a 5 Spd and i have found that if it doesnt kick in, I can just drop the clutch and then release it again and it will work. but yes it should come on automatically.
I will try that today and see if that works.
still not working

I have a 95 525 and it is weird i know. sometimes mine works and sometimes it doesnt. In mine i have found it to work best if you just push forward to accel while still getting up to speed, you will feel it kick in and start to accel on its own. When you get to the desired speed just let go and it should kick in and hold at whatever speed you had it at. Mine is a 5 Spd and i have found that if it doesnt kick in, I can just drop the clutch and then release it again and it will work. but yes it should come on automatically.
ok tryed what you ttold me oday o the innterstatte and that did not work either
