e30fr3@k said:
not at all. first off, i'm going to knit-pick and note that "twice as much time" is completely inaccurate and would vary depending upon multiple factors. secondly, i know this isn't the aim of driving quickly, but double-clutching saves your synchros, where as jamming it into gear...well it does just the opposite. granted, yes, that is what the synchros are there for, but trust me, when you get to 200+ thousand miles, you'll be glad yours still work properly. thirdly, after you double clutch, (which takes no time at all) you're immediately at a higher RPM, rather than just waiting for your engine to rev itself gradually. perhaps it's an older car thing, but if i'm going 35 and want second gear, if i were to just put it into second and expect my car to do the work, it would take forever to get up to the proper engine speed. so at least for my car, i say quite the opposite-double clutching takes significantly less time to bring up the RPM. i'd say that between saving your synchros and the immediate jump into higher engine speeds, double clutching is entirely worthwhile.