good god epj3, that is one hell of a camera. and its something more like i would have bought have i wanted a real NICE camera.
But i wanted a small one that i could have on me at all times and have the quality of one of those. I reviewed them at which i think is the absolute best best place to get info on cameras.
I ended up with choosing the Canon S45. Its a 4 meg 3x optical, camera thats the size of my cell phone, but with the options of a full size profesh. I could have gone with the 5 meg, which has better quality, but the new canon 5 meg cameras have some image quality issues, which i wont go into here. all in all, 2.5 meg is enough for me, so i thought this the best decision!!!!!!
i will definitely show you guys the outcome of this camera.
ps, ive had two kodaks before, the first was awesome and died, the second was the worst piece of shit i have ever used (too much noise at low light), so i decided to stay away from them this time around.