I'm with you BMW555 on this one. I don't know when performance-related numbers became the new end all, be all of sportiness/drive feel. I was of that persuasion once—erroneous as it was. I remember when the Mercedes 2003 E55 AMG came out and it beat the E39 M5 in almost every numbers-category, but there were still guys in here defending the E39 by reducing the emphasis on numbers; the BMW had the better feel, they said, it was sportier, it fostered a more intimate relationship with the driver (a la 6spd).
Nowadays, I haven't seen anybody say how lively the drive in the new E90 is, or communicative the steering and brakes are. All I see is numbers, numbers, numbers (0-60, ¼ mile, etc). Could it be because the feel of the car has been watered down? I don’t know, I haven’t driven one yet, but I’m not holding my breath.
Oh, and MrE. C'mon, if your riding this whole subjectivity train (which I think is fine), give us a break about the whole materials thing. If you’re going to say that styling is subjective, then so is the feel of interior materials quality. And its seems that the consensus among many pre-Bangle BMW owners is that materials quality has gone down (it may not be that bad compared to other makes, but many believe it has gone down). Subjective, yes, but the majority in this case happens to disagree with you so your plea that we all stop with the materials thing is moot. Ride in an E46 or E39 every day and then hop into an E60 (or E90 from the looks of it) and see the difference….