- Mr. Clean Auto-dry Car Wash - Anyone know of this?

Troy, Michigan
OH, YES! Mr. Clean AutoDry loves black! After the final AutoDry rinse, you just let it air dry. It doesn't matter if you let the car sit or you drive it away, it will dry spot free, guaranteed. You'll be able to get rid of the chamois, drying towels and water blades. You don't ever have to touch your car with things that cause swirl marks. AutoDry has made it to Michigan now, so I've got to believe it's in Oregon, too.

You know what else: a couple of months ago, I rented a Mustang convertible in California and tried AutoDry on the top. It made a rental car top that had never been cleaned properly look like it just rolled out of the factory. AutoDry works on all car surfaces.


Active Member

Much appreciated ! We are not much of a Wal-mart or Kmart state, is there any large parts store chains on the retail list ? or anywhere I can search for an Oregon retailer, this could be the ticket for me.

Thanks !!
Troy, Michigan
Auto Zone, CSK, O'Reilly's and Pep Boys are going to be carrying AutoDry. Price may be a few bucks higher there. There's also Target, Walgreen, Kroger. Unfortunately, there's no way to search for a retailer.
Central, CA
Phil Frame said:
To wileycoyote and everyone ...

How did you know the filter was done? I'm just curious. I'm not doubting your experience. With the worst hard water, I suppose this could happen. If you send me your mailing information via e-mail, I'll send you some filters. Funny thing, the starter filters don't have an indicator to tell you when they're spent -- you're just supposed to replace them after three washes. But the replacement filters, the ones good for 10 washes, have an indicator that changes color to tell you when they're done. The three washes for starter filters/soap and 10 for replacements are averages based on an average size car and water of average hardness. People with very hard water like you could get fewer washes and people with softer water could get more. The replacement filter I used gave me about 12 washes.
Hmmm, the window says to replace when the color turns brown. It looked brown to me (a blueish brown). I didn't really look at it carefully before I started, so I may have either tossed it prematurely... The current filter has a window that is blue, so far I've washed 3 times and it isn't brown yet.
When I opened the box, the stuff in the window was already brown, I thought I got a bad filter but it worked perfectly fine for the three car washes, go figure.
Troy, Michigan
To Wiley and Andreyiv and all

First, thanks for trying the product. Let me clear up one thing with the filters ... I don't believe the starter filters have a working indicator. Just use for three washes and discard. It's the replacement filter (10 washes) that has the indicator. Wiley, I'll be pleased to send you a replacement if you e-mail me your address.

FYI -- I was in our local Farmer Jack supermarket last night and saw they were selling AutoDry for like $17.50. Best I've seen until this was $19.99.
Troy, Michigan
Hey andreyiv: Is that photo of your navy blue 325i after washing it with AutoDry?
Why don't you post some pictures of you washing that baby so everyone knows how it works? Let's see some final results!
That photo is pretty old so it's before I knew AutoDry existed. Actually I don't have easy access to a water hose so it's a little problem. I live in an appartment in a private house and the landlord always closes the water in the hose, you can only open it from the garage and that is open for only about 10 minutes a day. One time I got him to open the garage and for that I had to wash his car too, anything for my bimmer, heh. Now the temps are below freezing so there is no point in washing the car, the water freezes on contact especially when it's cold from the hose. I don't know when I'll wash the bimmer but will sure try to take pics once I will. BTW flashinthepan, I just LOVE the product, I never saw the car so clean even the day it was at the dealer. And I have nothing to gain from saying that, I'm not connected to the company in anyway. The only thing I hope for is a replacement filter from Phil, wink wink, lol. I can't seem to find any here but I guess I'm just looking in the wrong places. K-mart closed a few months ago and nothing poped up to replace it.
Troy, Michigan
The only solution for you, andreyiv, is to move. At least, if you keep washing your landlord's car, he should give you a break on the rent. I know a big, bald guy with big muscles, white eyebrows and a hoop earring I could send over.
I was actually about to move the previous Sunday, but there were some problems, but I will be moving sometime soon, well, hopefully within 30 days, and then I will have a drive way and a water hose to wash the car with, I'll be in heaven then, lol.


Active Member
Not stepping on anyone here, especially Phil, a genuine nice guy !!!

I did not particularly like the Mr Clean process & ended up hand drying my car anyways.

Soap is not "sudsy" enough, and the drying action is way overstated.

My opinion...honest & straightforward !
Troy, Michigan
flashinthepan ...
I know it doesn't suds up like dish soap. It's not supposed to. What's the big deal about suds, anyway? Do suds clean your car, or soap? The key is getting your car clean. This soap is the best I've ever seen at diong that.

How can you say the drying process is overrated -- you didn't let it dry??!! What's the point in having AUTODRY if you won't let it?

What's wrong with the process? It's simple. Convenient. Are buckets more fun? No. Is wiping dirt youi miss while washing into your paint job more fun? Not for me.


Active Member

I most likely didnt proceed properly so thanks for chiming in


If I just let her sit in a dry place, say the garage and just leave alone, I will have a nice spot free finish ???

I will admit I was probably jumping the gun, I expected a quicker dry ?

Should I just say screw it and let the slow dry do its thing ??
I am not through trying - if I was impatient the 1st time... ???

I will be the guinee pig here and try all over..?? what do you think ?

BTW...Thanks for your help
Troy, Michigan
Just trust it. Let it do what it says it'll do.

If it's a nice day, I just leave my car in the drive to dry. Sometimes, I've just moved into the garage and let it dry there. But you can also just drive away with the car wet. It will dry just the same with no spots. Believe me, I've done it.

In regard to the process: Get out of the old carwash zen thing. This is a revolution in car care. It's better for your car. First, everything you need to completely wash your car is literally in the palm of your hand. Don't go for a bucket or drying towels. Just fill the soap reservoir in the AutoDry sprayer with the AutoDry soap and hook up the sprayer to your hose. Grab a sponge or carwash mitt. Turn on the water full blast.
1-Rinse your car with the plain rinse setting. It loosens the dirt and cools the surfaces. Turn off sprayer.
2-Switch to soap setting. Turn on sprayer. Spray soap directly on the car and onto the mitt. Wash in sections, top down, being carefull not to miss areas. Use firm strokes when washing. The soap will not suds like dish soap. It's low-sudsing, but it cleans like nothing you've ever seen. It is formulated specifically for the kind of dirt that collects on cars. It's not something for dishes or laundry that is adapted for cars. AutoDry soap is formulated to remove road dirt from car surfaces. That's it. And, yes, Procter & Gamble spent four years researching road dirt and car surfaces. (TIP: I always wash my wheels and wheel wells first with a sponge or brush because they are always more filthy than the rest of the car and I don't want to contaminate my carwash mitt that I use on the rest of the car.) As I wash in sections, I occasionally rinse with the plain water setting so the soap doesn't dry on the car (however, the soap is more forgiving in this regard than other soaps.) Try keeping the car wet until you're completely finished washing. Then, rinse all suds off the car with the plain water setting. Turn sprayer off.

3--Switch to AutoDry setting. Turn sprayer on. You'll see the water come out of the sprayer in a very fine, fan-shaped mist. When the spray hits the car, you'll see what looks like millions of tiny ballbearings dancing over the car. These are fine air bubbles. Again, top to bottom, rinse the car, saturating it and keeping the sprayer about a foot away. (TIP: Concentrate on side mirrors, gas caps, gaps that collect water and will drip later. If you do that, even those drips will dry without spotting.) Remember the wheels and wheel wells.

4--That's it. Really. Go put the hose away. Put the sprayer away. If there's soap left in the reservoir, leave it for next time. Leave the filter inside. The water on the car will evaporate. There won't be spots on anything. Go watch a basketball game or go run an errand. Doesn't matter. Actual drying time depends on air temp, humidity, sunlight etc.

If you notice, after the car dries, that there is dirt in a patch or two, just go back and hit it again with AutoDry soap and AutoDry spray. This was your doing. You missed the spot unknowingly or you lifted up as you went over the area. Be thankful. Because you've done this many times in the past and didn't know it because you didn't let the car dry. What you did was immediately dried the car, grinding that dirty residue into your paint. That's where the swirl marks come from.

You can even wash your door sills with AutoDry. I soap up my mitt and wash the sills with it, not spraying them directly. Then, rather than rinsing with plain water, I go directly to the AutoDry rinse because the spray pattern is so precise and easy to control. I spray directly onto the sills while holding a piece of plastic or cardboard behind what I'm spraying so the water doesn't get into the car.

I know this is different than what you're used to, but you'll get used to it and eventually you won't want to wash your car any other way. In the winter here, I can't use AutoDry for obvious reasons, and I just hate having to take my car to a carwash.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I can't go back either. A few days ago I finally got to washing the car but the water in the hose was still frozen. By the time I got to washing the car, it got so cold that I saw ice forming as the water was drying. Although the car wash near me isn't bad (100% hand car wash) I still want to wash the car with AutoDry, it just looks better after it, everything shines and sparkles.
Central, CA
Great tip on the door sills. Before Mr. Clean I would dry the car, then use the damp drying towel to wipe down the door sills, trunk sill, around the gas cap, and around the (open) hood. Lots of work and hard to get in all the cracks, also got the towels dirty so it couldn't have been good the paint in those areas.


New Member
I've been following this thread for a bit, and still have a few questions. I used the product once, and it worked as advertised. However:

1. Does the soap strip wax?

I talked with a prominent detailer and multiple time concour winner in the Pcar and BMW world (an advertiser in the Roundel). He tried a pre production version of the Autodry, and concluded that it strips wax. This observation has been made on the viper boards, as well as bimmerforums.

Further, after washing, I was left with this greasy, dirty deposit on my wash mit, which smeared any surface it touched. It would seem that this could be a combination of removed dirt and the wax that was lifted from the paint or polymer that is in the soap.. . . . or all of the above.

2. Potential scratching.

According to the instructions, no suggestion is made of using a bucket of soapy water. It would seem that if you never rinse your mit/sponge, after a few body panels, the mit would turn into sanpaper from the embedded dirt.
